the May 18 International Research Institute

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers

Participation & Communication


[MIRI] May 18 International Research Institute journalists’ meeting (2023.04.05)



We share our process regarding 518 International Research Institute from Journalists’ meeting (April 5th)

We, 518 International Research Institute, are leading businesses including helding Conferences, Collecting These, Publishing These, etc. and throughout basic research plans, we aim to open a new chapter of 518 research. Also, We aim to proceed 518, verbally logged documents as a long-term plan. Here are the detailed content as below

Managing 518 International Research Institute

Share results of researching and discussions of 518 with citizens around the world / given access to citizens world-wide

Form a network with researching organizations to broaden 518 spirits FreedomDemocracyHuman RightsPeace

Present directions for after-works of 518 Truth Committee

 1. Test-running of 518 International Research Institute  

  - Its history of making

   : The ruling party and its government promise to establish ‘518 International Free Democratic Human RIghts Research’ (March, 2022)

   : Distribute budgets for managing 518 International Research Institute (January, 2023) : Passes to proceed at Parliament (13 billion korean won)

   : 518 International Research Institute direct from the Board was established

   : Meeting with organizations as related research fields of 518 International Research Institute : city of Gwangju, Chonnam National University 518 Research Institute

  - Members of the organization : A head of its research lab(1), general staffs(3) (currently hired 2)

  - Content : accepting of opinions regarding 518 International Research Institute, promoting of 518 related forums

 2.  Master Plan for running 518 International Research Institute

  - Title : Establishment of A Master Plan for 518 International Research Institute  

  - Progress

   : During 1st, 2nd periods of advertisement(February, 3rd~ 8th), only 1 company applied(Chosun University Research Lab)

   : Settle a contract(March, 20th) which, was after being judged for qualification (March 13th)

  - Organization in charge: Chosun University Research Lab(Minju Peace Research, main researcher: prof. Kim hyeong jung

(all 10 researchers))

  - Periods : March 20th, 2023 ~ October 2nd, 2023

  - Content : Suggest A Master Plan which contains its(518 International Research Institute) missions and visions

 3. Promotion of Agenda Forum 518 International Research Institute

  - Subject(Plan) : 518 International Research Institute, with what it should bring?

  - Date : 14:00 ~ 16:30, April 28th, 2023

  - Place : conference room of Jeonil building245

  - Speech/Debate : researcher/research lab within community, citizens’ organizations, May organization etc.

  - Accepting opinions in advance : Through Social Media, online (April 11th~20th)

  - Future Plans: Aim to promote Forums with Parliament, related organizations outside south-western region of south korea, 518 Truth Committee

Promotions of 518 International Forum

Held Research Forum in searching for broadening 518 research and its debate

PublishTranslate Research materials for utilization world-widely & Search 518 basic research materials

Elevate research activities for professional/amateur researchers in purpose of setting 518 research network

For systematic collection for 518 research, provide DB (Data Base), give accessible services to people

1. Hold Forums

 Held International Forum

  - Title : Anniversary of 518 Democratic Uprising at its 43th turn

  - Date : October~November, 2023 



Date and Place



May 24th, 2023

Chonnam National University

Philosophical epiphany regarding 518

Department of Philosophy, Chonnam National University 

May 25th~26th, 2023 Chonnam National University

 5·18 and community

Chonnam National University

518 Research lab

June 9th, 2023 Seoul

looking back with Minju Research Organizations and outlooks

Minju Research Committee

September 21th, 2023 (scheduled)

Sukmyeong University

How 518 has changed korean society for the past years with its legacy

Korea Society Committee

September 22th, 2023

Chosun University

 5·18 after 5·18

 Chosun University Minju Peace Research lab


2. Publication & Translation of 518 books

 Translation of verbal records of 518 into foreign language(mainly english)

  - Content : Give access to citizens with 5·18 research databases nationally and world-widely 

 Translation of 518 research materials

  - Content : Translate pre-existing 518 research materials / books and publish those to world-wide

 Publication of journal for 30th anniversary of 518 memorial foundation

  - Title : 30th anniversary of 518 Memorial Foundation

  - Content : Upon 30th anniversary(year of 2024) of 518 memorial foundation, set future plans and directions systematically

3. Training of newly employed researchers with 518

  - Title : workshop for newly employed researchers of 518 (title not settled yet)

  - Date : July, 2023

  - Content : run programs to set networks within researchers for finding new researchers, who study 518 & democracy, sharing subjects, hosting mentor-mentee programs, touring fields on foot etc.

4. Mass 518 Research progresses

 Mass research databases for 518

  - Content : Develop its website, collect data for research databases (online), collect research materials regarding 518, world-widely

 5·18 Research Theses Contest

  - Content : with professional researchers/(graduate) students, in subjects which related to 5·18, we contest and award winners with research theses with prizes

 Awards for the best 518 theses

  - Content : Award best theses with prizes (MOU science journal ‘emotion research’)

관련 기사(바로가기 링크)

(2023. 4. 5.) 노컷뉴스5·18기념재단 "왜곡대응 콘텐츠 제작하고 국제연구원 운영할 것"

(2023. 4. 5.) 한겨레5·18기념재단 대통령 공약 국제연구원 시범 운영

(2023. 4. 5.) 뉴시스5·18 재단 진상규명·왜곡·폄훼 시도 총망라한 백서 연내 발간

(2023. 4. 5.) 광주일보5·18 기념재단 5·18 국제화 적극 나선다

(2023. 4. 5.) 무등일보5·18기념재단 5·18 전국화·세계화 위해 재도약

(2023. 4. 5.) 광주매일신문“5·18민주화운동 세계화·정신 계승 온 힘

(2023. 4. 5.) 전남매일5·18 재단 "왜곡·폄훼 대응 백서 발간, 역사적 의의 제고"




The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers