the May 18 International Research Institute

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers

What we do

Joint Academic Conferences

Joint Academic Conferences

The May 18 International Research Institute collaborates with other academic institutions to host academic conferences and events. Through a shared commitment to knowledge, MIRI fosters the discussion on crucial values such as freedom, justice, democracy, human rights, and peace, all part of the spirit of the May 18 Democratic Uprising. We are open to offers from interested parties to jointly host academic events that explore themes related to May 18, such as human rights, democratization, transitional justice (TJ), etc. Please contact us if you are your institution is interested in hosting an academic event with us.


  • Host collaborative academic events to explore themes that bear importance to research on the May 18 Democratic Uprising and foster cooperation with affiliated institutions
  • Establish a global and interdisciplinary network for research on the May 18 Democratic Uprising

Past Conferences & Events

  • conference1
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  • conference6
The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers