the May 18 International Research Institute

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers

Participation & Communication


[Research] Interim Report on the Study to Establish a Master Plan for the Operation of the May 18 International Research Institute(2023.8.14.)


518 International Research Institute Operational Master Plan Establishment Study

Interim Reporting Meeting

- 15:00, August 10th, Owol Memory Center



- Presentation of the master plan (draft) for the 518 International Research Center


On August 10, 2023, an interim report on the research service for the establishment of a master plan for the operation of the518 International Institute was held at the Owol Memory Center, ordered by the 518 Memorial Foundation and carried out by the Institute for Democracy and Peace Studies at Chosun University. Prof. Kim Hyeong-joong (Director of the Institute for Democracy and Peace Studies, Chosun University), the lead researcher of the project, presented the progress of the research and listened to the advice of the Foundation, experts, and 518 stakeholders.

The research team proposed the name of the institute as "The May 18 International Research Institute (MIRI)" for the realization of freedom, justice, democracy, human rights, and peace, and set its mission as "contributing to the realization of more democracy in the 21st century by inheriting and expanding the spirit of May 18.

He also proposed the following goals for the institute: 1) to consolidate academic achievements, 2) to establish an international research platform and network, 3) to lead follow-up research on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 4) to establish '518 Studies,' and 5) to study the international transition period.

In addition, the mid- and long-term development directions of the academic research of the 518 International Institute were set as 'internationalization of academic research' and 'domestication of academic research', and presented as the currentization of the 518 spirit and interdisciplinary research that responds to the global agenda, systematic organization of records and establishment of a service system for utilizing academic research, and fostering the next generation of scholars.

The operation plan and mid- to long-term development roadmap of the 518 International Institute will be supplemented in the future with the advice of foundations and experts.

Meanwhile, a report on the results of the service will be held publicly on September 15th. All citizens are invited to attend and provide their opinions on the direction of the 518 Institute, which will be reflected in the results of future services.


Inquiries: +82 062-360-0572

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers