the May 18 International Research Institute

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers

Participation & Communication


[MIRI] May 18 International Research Institute Charter (AoA) (2023.03.31)


Enacted October 30th, 2014

Revised December 28th, 2015

Revised December 20th, 2016

Revised March 22th, 2018

Revised December 17th, 2018

Revised February 3rd, 2021

Revised March 31th, 2023

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to stipulate matters necessary for the 518 International Research Institute, which conducts domestic and international academic research, related projects to commemorate and inherit the 518 Democratic Movement worldwide and to spread the ideals of freedom, democracy, human rights, and peace. (Revised March 31, 2023)

Article 2 (Name) There shall be an institute pursuant to Article 41 (Institute) of the Articles of Incorporation of the 518 Memorial Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation"), and the name of the institute shall be 'The May 18 International Research Institute' (hereinafter referred to as the "International Research Institute"). (Revised March 31th, 2023)

Article 3 (Business) The International Research Institute shall conduct the following business. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

 1. Establishment and operation of a specialized research institute to spread the ideology of freedom, democracy, human rights, and peace through the May 18th Democratic Movement and the 518 Movement

 2. Establishing and managing academic research plans related to the May 18th Democratic Movement and freedom, democracy, human rights, and peace

 3. Academic research projects such as truth clarification, memory and inheritance of the May 18th Democratic Movement

 4. Fostering relevant researchers and exchange and cooperation projects with research institutions and organizations at home and abroad

 5. Establishment of relevant academic research archives and oral collection and utilization projects

 6. Publishing and translating related books, journals and reports, etc.

 7. Domestic and international academic research projects such as holding related academic conferences

 8. other projects in line with the purpose of the institute 

Article 4 (Location) The office shall be located in city of Gwangju.

Article 5 (Organization) The Institute may have a director, research director, staff, researchers, and committees. 

The Institute may establish subject-specific research centers as organizations of the Institute. (Revised December 28th, 2015, December 20th, 2016, March, 31th, 2023)

Article 6 (Director of the Institute) The Director of the Institute shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Directors. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

(Revised March 31, 2023) The director of the institute shall represent the international research center and have the right to supervise related work in consultation with the executive director of the foundation, and shall serve for a term of two years. (Revised March 22th, 2018, March 22th, 2018, March 31th, 2023)

In the event that the Director is removed from office, the Executive Director shall act in his/her place. (Revised March 22th, 2018, March 31th, 2023)

The Director of the Institute may be provided with part of the expenses necessary for the implementation of the work within the scope of the budget. (Revised March 22th, 2018, March 31th, 2023)

Article 7 (Head of Research Office, etc.) (Revised March 22th, 2018. December 17th, 2018, March 3rd, 2023)

The head of the research center shall be hired openly. 

The head of the research center shall plan and operate all work of researchers under the direction of the head of the research center.

The head of the laboratory shall be a person with a grade 5 or above or equivalent experience, but may be paid a position allowance.

The qualification criteria for the head of the laboratory shall be a person who falls under one of the following items.

 1. has a doctoral degree and has been working for more than 3 years

2. a person who has a master's degree and has conducted research related to 518 and has at least 5 years of research experience in the field

3. Those who are recognized as equally qualified in relation to research on 5‧18

Other non-executive researchers may be hired as needed, and all matters shall be governed by the Foundation's regulations. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

Article 9 (Committees) The International Research Institute shall have a steering committee and an editorial committee. (Revised March 31, 2023)

The members of each committee shall be scholars in the fields of freedom, democracy, human rights, peace, and related fields and other qualified persons, recommended by the Director through an open recruitment process, and appointed by the President, and may be paid allowances and travel expenses within the scope of the budget. (Revised March 31th, 2023.)

Committee members shall serve for a term of two years.

Other subcommittees may be formed as needed to provide advice. (Revised March 31, 2023)

Article 10 (Steering Committee) A steering committee shall be established to advise on the operation and research of the Institute. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

The Steering Committee shall consist of no more than nine members, and the Executive Director of the Foundation shall participate as an ex officio member. (Revised March 31, 2023)

The chairperson of the steering committee shall be the director of the institute and shall perform the following duties. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

1. Advise on the overall operation of the institute

2. analyze and evaluate academic research projects and the performance of researchers

3. Matters deemed necessary for the operation of the institute by the director of the institute

Article 11 (Editorial Committee) (March 31th, 2023) An editorial committee shall be established to publish books and journals of the institute.

The Editorial Committee shall consist of no more than seven members and shall be composed of an editorial chairman and an editorial board member.

Other composition and operation of the Editorial Committee shall be determined separately.

Article 12 (Research Council) A council may be formed and operated among relevant (research) institutions and researchers for the global spread of the spirit of the 5-18 democratization movement and the development of academic research projects. (Revised 2023. 3. 31.)

Article 13 (Relationship with the Secretariat) (Revised March 31, 2023) The International Research Institute shall be under the control of the Board of Directors, but the business management and budget execution shall be carried out with the cooperation of the Secretariat.

The Secretariat shall provide the budget necessary for the operation of the Institute and may supervise the efficient execution of the budget for audit purposes.

The staff of the Institute shall be subject to the provisions of Article 32, Paragraphs 4, 6, and 7 of the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 14 (Establishment and Management of Funds) A fund may be established to cover the funds required for the operation and business of the Institute. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

The Fund shall be funded by private contributions, targeted donations, and interest and accrued interest on basic property, and shall be separately financed and managed.

The Foundation's Basic Property Management Committee shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Fund.

Article 15 (Attribution of Copyrights, etc.) In principle, property rights, including copyrights, generated in the course of performing the duties of international researchers shall belong to the Foundation. (Revised March 31th, 2023)

Article 16 (Audit) Self-audit of the Institute shall be conducted at least once a year by the Foundation's auditors.

Article 17 (Governing Regulations) Matters not specified in these Regulations shall be governed by the Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation and other regulations under which the Foundation exists.

Article 18 (Other Expenses) (Deleted March 31th, 2023)


1. (Effective Date) These Regulations shall take effect from the date of approval by the Board of Directors.

2. (Transitional Measures) The current members of the Truth Investigation Team shall serve as employees of the Institute.

Supplementary Regulations

1. (Effective Date) These Regulations shall take effect on December 28, 2015.


1. (Effective Date) These Rules shall take effect on December 20, 2016.


1. (Effective Date) These Regulations shall be effective as of March 22, 2018.


1. (Effective Date) These Regulations shall be effective as of December 17, 2018.


1. (Effective Date) This regulation shall be effective as of February 3, 2021.


1. (Effective Date) This regulation shall take effect from March 31, 2023.




<Table 1> Verbally logged documents case Fee Payment Standards (March 22th, 2018)

1. In principle, the first hour shall be applied.

2. In exceptional cases, it may be paid within the upper limit (200,000 won).

 100,000 KRW

The May 18 International Research Institute
for Global Citizens and Researchers